We all know how Hollywood actress Alexandra Daddario overnight becomes popular with that controversial scene in the TRUE DETECTIVE series. But, today we will reveal 6 unsaid facts about Alexandra Daddario in this series TRUE DETECTIVE.
Who Is Lisa In True Detective ?
Lisa Tragnetti is a fictional character played by actress Alexandra Daddario in the year 1995. She is Martin Hart’s girlfriend in Season 1 of the True Detective series.
In a running interview with an American reporter Kristin Dos Santos actress Alexandra Daddario discloses 6 unsaid facts in TRUE DETECTIVE.
Kristin Dos Santos : Be on a show with Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson what was it like getting the role ? It was a little bit of a long process ?
Alexandra Daddario : Not too long but I knew that just for a show to attract that kind of talent I knew that it must be something really special and then when I read the scripts it was something incredibly special. It’s just. I can’t believe it. I can’t really believe that I’m in such great company. So I’m very lucky.

Kristin Dos Santos : Did you have any trepidation about doing the race your seat absolutely ?
Alexandra Daddario : There’s something very nerve-wracking about doing something like that for the first time. Just like going in front of a camera for the first time and doing. You know having your first line where you’re on the camera it’s just something everyone feels open to when they do it for the first time anyway.

Kristin Dos Santos : Right just being on TV makes you feel ?
Alexandra Daddario : I mean you know you get stage fright and then this was. Just when I try not to think about it too much and I understood why it was important in the story and for the character. And for what he’s character. I just try not to think about it and that was pretty much it. I think it makes total sense in this story.
Kristin Dos Santos : Parents have seen the show. Are they okay with it ?
Alexandra Daddario : I don’t think they saw it yet but I know that they’re totally fine with it. They’ve been incredibly supportive of my career no matter what I’ve done and I know that if I’m happy they’re happy.

Kristin Dos Santos : What can you tease that’s coming up on the show for your care ?
Alexandra Daddario : Just basically I don’t want to give too much away. I think that she causes a lot of problems and it was fun to sort of play that. And play such a sort of just a little crazier than different any other character I played. It just gets really exciting.

Kristin Dos Santos : Is there anything that surprised you about Woody or Matthew ? What they’re like in real life and what it’s like to work with them ?
Alexandra Daddario : I wouldn’t say there’s anything that surprised me. I just. I mean what he was I worked more closely with Woody and he’s just incredibly nice. He made me feel really comfortable and just very smart. It was really a pleasure working with him. I didn’t have any big surprises.
In Which Season Alexandra Daddario Is In True Detective ?
HBO Anthology series True Detective become very popular with the inclusion of actress Alexandra Daddario. She included in Season 1 itself in the year 2013-14. She played the character of Lisa Tragnetti. Her controversial scene in the first season made the show a huge hit.
Which True Detective Episode Has Alexandra Daddario ?
Fans know that the character Lisa Tragnetti played by actress Alexandra Daddario in the True Detective series was very popular. But, many don’t know how many episodes she was part of that series. Alexandra Daddario was seen in four episodes of True Detective (Season 1). Those four episodes were – THE LONG BRIGHT DARK (Alexandra Daddario debuted from this episode), SEEING THINGS, THE LOCKED ROOM & WHO GOES THERE. She also came in limelight during the Baywatch shoot.