Very few people knew Monica Diaz. Today we will disclose the estimated net worth of Monica Diaz along with her biography. We will also tell who is Monica Diaz married to.
Monica Diaz Net Worth, Married & Biography
Who Is Monica Diaz ?
Monica Diaz is hosting TV Shows on Max Network.
How Old Is Monica Diaz ? Monica Diaz Age & Date of Birth
Monica Diaz was born on 24th April 1989 in Panama. Currently, her age is 35 years. She lived her childhood in the United States itself.
Where Is Monica Diaz From ?
Monica Diaz was born in Panama. She lived her childhood in the United States.
Monica Diaz Nationality, Religion & Ethnicity
Monica is a Christian by religion with American Nationality. Her ethnicity is native American.
Monica Diaz Education
There is very little information available on her education. What we know is that Monica Diaz is graduate in Journalism.
Monica Diaz Profession
By profession Monica is a model and TV Host.
Monica Diaz Net Worth 2024
Monica’s main source of income is from modelling and journalism. The estimated net worth of Monica Diaz is around 3.50 Million US Dollars.
Who Is Monica Diaz Married To ?
Monica Diaz was married to Canadian actor Russel Peters on 20th August 2010. It was a very interesting incident at the Los Angeles International Airport where Russel proposes Monica. The exact date was 10th July 2010. Both announced their engagement on social media Twitter. Their marriage took place in Las Vegas, Nevada at A Little White Wedding Chapel. Exactly 22 people were present in their wedding ceremony.
What Happened To Monica Diaz ?
To marry a famous actor is always a dream for many girls. Monica also had a dream of that too. She acquired a lot of notability after marrying Russel. But these happy moments couldn’t stay longer. As they divorced soon within 2 years. Interestingly both had a sweet daughter Crystianna Marie Peters. The real question comes to everyone’s mind what happened to Monica Diaz and Russel Peters which lead them to divorce within 2 years of marriage despite having a daughter. Whether it’s the career or multiple relationships of Russel with other ladies or their daughter’s responsibility, it’s still not figured out the exact reason for their divorce. Though Russel has admitted that they got married without knowing much about each other. Their understanding does not match. When they started to know each other, they realized marriage is not their solution. They wanted to relax their daughter so that she can feel free in society before growing up. So, both Monica and Russel decided to separate each other.
As per one local media channel of New York City, Monica was in doubt of Russel’s extramarital relationship with Ruzzana Khetchian (a former Miss Honduras) which lead them to divorce.
Monica Diaz Height, Weight & Body Measurements
Monica is 5 feet 9 inches tall. Her height is 1.81 meters. She weighs around 58 Kg (127.86 Pounds). Her hair color is black with blue color eyes. She has a curvy body with measurements of 35-28-30 inches.
Monica Diaz Weight Loss, Health & Fitness
Monica Diaz has gained 3 kg weight during the last month. She is doing occasional workouts to remain fit and healthy. So far her health is all right.
Where Is Monica Diaz Now ? Is She Dead or Alive ?
First of all Monica Diaz is alive and she has no health issues at all. Right now she is living in the United States. She is a TV host on the Max Network.